Thursday, January 9, 2020

Author of the Month

Why do an Author of the Month activity?

Every month, I introduce the students to a new author. It may be the same author for all grade levels (for instance in January we did an activity related to Jan Brett's book The Mitten) or it may be divided into different age/grade levels. 

I introduce the Author of the Month in the first week of the new month by reading a few short facts about the author and by showcasing their books in a bookshelf that I have designated. 

I have color coded the shelves and labeled them so each grade level knows where to find their Author of the Month books. I will keep these books in circulation on this shelf throughout the entire month! 

(Special Note: Kids seem to love this and flock to these books! Make sure you choose an author or series with many different books to offer students the chance to check out one of these books!) 

An Author of the Month activity offers the following:

  • The opportunity for students to be introduced to a new author 
  • The opportunity for students to learn more about authors
  • The opportunity for students to be introduced to different styles of books they wouldn't inherently choose

Why is this important?

This is especially helpful for students who come to the library and are lost - the students who are overwhelmed by all of the choices. 

By introducing them to a new author each month, they have the knowledge of different book styles and choices. This allows them the ability to choose a book that they'll find most enjoyable and therefore increases their engagement in library time and reading! 

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