Thursday, January 9, 2020

December 2019's Animated Activities

When I became a librarian at an Elementary school, I decided instantly that I wanted it to be a place of fun, learning, exploration and literacy

I wanted to kick the outdated preconceptions of what a library should be. So I started to browse Pinterest and found a load of ideas that were lively and interesting and spun them to make them work for me!

Here are a few of the things that I did in the library in December to actively engage the students:

Guess How Many

This is a fun guessing game 

 The students will have to guess how many of a specific object is in the jar. For December, the object we used was mini candy canes. 

At the end of the month, we went through all of the guesses. The student with the closest guess won a book (and in this case, the candy canes too)! 

Pick Your Favorite
Students vote for their favorite book

  It's important to me for the students to have an opinion and be able to voice their opinion - this gives them ownership in the library and motivates them to participate! 

For this activity, I chose three of the most popular books for the season: The Polar Express, The Night Before Christmas and The Grinch

I printed and laminated the covers
and taped them to a paper snowman.

We used Post it notes to write their names and cast their votes (by putting their Post it notes next to the book they were voting for).

When the voting was finished, I tallied the number of Post it notes next to each book and read them the winning book!

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