Thursday, January 9, 2020

Libraries are...boring

  • Libraries are dull and outdated
  • Books are a thing of the past
  • Libraries will one day cease to exist
Did I get your attention? 

These are the thoughts that are swirling around out there and I cannot believe my ears. Yes, the image of a library does conjure up a place with dusty books and an elderly lady with glasses on a pearl beaded string checking your books out and loudly hushing you. 

But this is such an outdated perception.

What if we could change that? 

What if we could make the library the hub and heart of the school?

It's possible - with a little elbow grease, determination and heart. That's what I hope to do in my Elementary library.

My name is Megan Franks and I'm a school librarian, book lover and author - click here to check out my work on Amazon.

I love learning, reading, writing and exploring new ways for kids to become interested in these areas as well!

This blog is a way for me to record the journey and to keep track of things that worked...and things I can improve on in the future. It is a hub of ideas for anyone and everyone who is interested in "pepping things up" in the library. I hope it's a source of inspiration and conversation.

I'd love to hear from you and gladly open the doors to creative brainstorming!

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